Rabu, 28 Desember 2016



Is National Examination Necessary?

National examination has become a hot topic to discuss in Indonesia especially in Pekanbaru City. The main controversy regarding to national examination is whether or not it is necessary to continue the national exams (UN). Some other debates focus on whether the quality of Indonesian education depends on the national exam and whether the quality of the Indonesian education system will worsen without national exam.

For those who support the national exam, they believe that the quality of the Indonesia education system will get worse without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system. They also believe that national exam can be used to measure how far educational program designed by the government works.

However, for those who disagree with national exam, the result of national exam can’t give the clear image of students’ ability in general since the issues of cheating always happen. Furthermore, the national exam only measures a small portion of students’ competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students’ competences throughout the semester.

Above all, the national examination can still be used as an instrument to evaluate the level of students’ cognitive competence in certain subjects, on a national scale.


Muara Takus Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Riau, Indonesia. This temple complex is located in the village of precisely Barelang, District XIII Koto Kampar Regency or the distance is approximately 135 kilometers from the city of Pekanbaru, Riau. The distance between this temple complex in the village center Barelang approximately 2.5 miles and not far from the edge of the Kampar River Right. This temple complex surrounded by a wall measuring 74 x 74 meters outside the walls there are also areaL sized ground 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers surrounding this complex sampal to Kampar Kanan river.

Within this complex there are also old temple buildings, temples and Mahligai Youngest Stupa and Palangka. Temple building material composed of sandstone, river rock and brick. According to sources original, bricks for this building built in the village Pongkai, a village located on the downstream side of the temple complex. Former mining land for the bricks until now regarded as a highly respected residents. To carry bricks to the temple, done in relay from hand to hand. This story must be true although not yet give the impression that temple building was the work together and conducted by the crowds.

Apart from the Old Temple, Temple Youngest, and Palangka Mahligai Stupa, in the temple complex was also found that mound kiln is estimated as human bones. Outside the compound there are also buildings (the former) is made of brick, which has not been established types of buildings.

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