Selasa, 20 September 2016


Assalmu’alaikum Wr Wb

Hello guys!!!
Welcome back and Long time no see ya in my blog ;))
Oke in this time I wanna sharing about new lesson that is “INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE”
Which has three parts:
1.             Prose
2.             Poetry
3.             Drama
Now let’s we talk about “what is prose generally and how to write a good prose”.

·       1. Definition of Prose

Prose is a communicative style that sounds natural and uses grammatical structure. Prose is the opposite of verse, or poetry, which employs a rhythmic structure that does not mimic ordinary speech. There is, however, some poetry called “prose poetry” that uses elements of prose while adding in poetic techniques such as heightened emotional content, high frequency of metaphors, and juxtaposition of contrasting images. Most forms of writing and speaking are done in prose, including short stories and novels, journalism, academic writing, and regular conversations.
The word “prose” comes from the Latin expression prosa oratio, which means straightforward or direct speech. Due to the definition of prose referring to straightforward communication, “prosaic” has come to mean dull and commonplace discourse. When used as a literary term, however, prose does not carry this connotation

·       2. How to write a good prose

Here are 10 writing tips from the author and the editor of “Good Prose” book by Pulitzer Prize winner and best-selling author, Tracy Kidder and editor, Richard Todd hosted ‘Good Prose Month’ on in January 2013.  

1.     To write is to talk to strangers. You have to inspire confidence, to seem and to be trustworthy.
2.      It is always prudent to remember that one is not Tolstoy or Dickens.
3.  Don’t concentrate on technique, which can be the same as concentrating on yourself. Give yourself to your story.
4.  The reader wants to see you trying—not trying to impress, but trying to get somewhere.
5.      For a story to have a chance to live, it is essential only that there be something at stake. A car chase is not required.
6.   Try to attune yourself to the sound of your own writing. If you can’t imagine yourself saying something aloud, then you probably shouldn’t write it.
7.  The creation of a style often begins with a negative achievement. Only by rejecting what comes too easily can you clear a space for yourself.
8.    Use words wantonly and you disappear before your own eyes. Use them well    and you create yourself.
9.  The best work is done when one’s eye is simply on the work, not on its consequence, or on oneself. It is something done for its own sake. It is, in Lewis Hyde’s term, a gift.
10. Be willing to surprise yourself.
